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MaxWhere Solutions Zrt.

MaxWhere Solutions Zrt. is located in Győr (Hungary) and works on solutions related to Cloud-based Platform, Digitalization for Manufacturing in the context of Chemicals and Chemical Products, Electrical Equipment, Machinery and Equipment, Manufacturing, Metal Products, Pharmaceutical Products and Pharmaceutical Preparations, Rubber and Plastic Products, Textile & Clothing

MaxWhere’s mission is to inspire 3D digital nativity by making virtual spaces naturally accessible to all users. We offer a 3D platform that enables our users to run applications that increase connectivity, productivity, and business conduct through industrial, commercial, and educational use cases. For example, engineering students use our platform to simulate different laboratory tools leveraging the sophisticated physics engine of MaxWhere. Another notable use case is the 3D digital twin of the East-West Gate intermodal terminal, where terminal operators can track the movements of containers, cranes, trains, and other objects live with MaxWhere, thanks to its vast integration capabilities.

One of the key features of MaxWhere is the so-called SmartBoards. These are 2D screens in the 3D spaces that can display videos, images, pdf, websites, and many more, making it easier to work, study, or be entertained on the platform.

Considering the specifics of the machine tool industry, MaxWhere could deliver value in the following concrete application sceneries:

- 3D user interface for real-time asset tracking

- VR /AR assisted service and maintenance

- 3D user’s manual

- Factory/shopfloor layout design

- VR-based training for CNC machine tool operators

- Digital twin-based shopfloor minitoring

MaxWhere runs on both Mac and PC as a stand-alone application and also has a web-based version. The company was founded in 2013, managed to secure venture capital funds, and currently has more than 30 employees. The team has solid competencies in manufacturing technologies, robotics, CNC, PLC and the related software technologies.